THALGO Worldwide Beauty TourLa Baule, France - September 2016 A heartfelt thank you to BLC Cosmetics and Thalgo France for hosting the THALGO Worldwide Beauty Tour 2016. With 300 delegates attending from 45 countries around the world, it was a truly remarkable event. "Thank you to Thalgo France and their passionate, dedicated team and also to the Thalgo Australia distributors, BLC Cosmetics reps Kim Thomasson, Julie Fitzhenry and Lucy Lewis. It was a privilege to spend time with so many exceptional people this September. It was great to network with Australia best Thalgo stockists and meet the most professional Thalgo distributors, salons and spa's in the world. We loved our time in Paris and the conference at the seaside resort town of La Baule, in Brittany, the sensational secret events such as the Welcome Dinner, Beach Party, Gala Dinner, Cocktail Party and the amazing conference sessions and speakers. It was an outstanding France Thalgo tour and conference. We can't wait to showcase to our Shine Beauty customers back in Australia the exceptional new Thalgo beauty products soon to be launched and we will look forward to the next amazing Thalgo event and seeing everyone again soon. Best wishes... Au rev oir" Tania and Joel Turner On tour Esplanade Benoit, La Baule, France - Thalgo Worldwide Beauty Tour 2016. Thalgo Worldwide Beauty Tour 2016. Farewell Dinner Cocktail Party at Le Chateau De Lauvergnac. Tania, Karen, Lucey, Teresa, Kim & Stacey at the Farewell Dinner Cocktail Party at Le Chateau De Lauvergnac - Thalgo Worldwide Beauty Tour 2016. |